Insieme senza muri European Charter of San Gimignano

The European Charter of San Gimignano at “Insieme Senza Muri”

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The European Charter of San Gimignano will stop in Milan

The European Charter of San Gimignano will star in a special day dedicated to the theme of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors during “Insieme senza Muri” (Together without walls)

Insieme senza Muri” (Together Without Walls) it is the event that from on May 20 to June 23 rd 2018 will bring to Milan debates, meetings, occasion for sharing ideas on the themes of the reception, of the inclusion, of the cohabitation and of the citizenship.

The Charter of San Gimignano (text) will star in one of those theme days: on the 26th May 2018, Adriano Scarpelli, chairman of Carrettera Central, will outline the Charter’s project, aims and accomplishments during his speech “Accoglienza, tutela, integrazione dei Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati: una sfida per l’Italia e per l’Europa. Il progetto della Carta Europea di San Gimignano” (Reception, Protection and Integration of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors: a challenge for Italy and Europe. The project of the San Gimignano Charter).

On the same day, the director Chiara Sambuchi, who in 2015 has played an active role in supporting the Charter’s birth, will be present. Her documentary film “Lost Children. 30.000 Minors Missing”, that depicts the difficulties and the misadventures that a number of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors heading to Italy should face everyday, will be screened.
Carrettera Central thanks Mr Di Giorgi for his support to the project of the San Gimignano Charter: he has become a strong ally in pursuing the Charter’s aims.

The program:

Insieme senza muri European Charter of San Gimignano program