Press Release n° 12 (06/16/2019)

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Press Release European Charter of San Gimignano

June 16th 2019                                      PRESS RELEASE

The European Charter for the Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors. The Mayor Leoluca Orlando subscribes the Charter

The ‘‘construction site’’ of the Euopean Charter for the Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors reaches another important cornerstone. The Mayor Leoluca Orlando signed the subscription of the city of Palermo to the additional protocol of the ‘‘Charter’’, becoming partner of the project.

Out of the 26.000 Unaccompanied Migrant Minors arrived in Italy in 2016, more than 500 subsequently disappeared. Italy is the unique country, among those of the European Union, having ad hoc law on this issue, recently approved in 2017. To confirm the centrality of the ‘‘European Charter of San Gimignano’’, it should be noted that to date, only the 3% of the Minors benefited from foster cares. And even though more than 5.000 people applied to become volunteer tutors, things proceed slowly. Among the main causes, there is the fact that the Government has never issued the implementing decree of the law.

The aim of the Charter is to have a unique common text approved at the European level, able to enshrine and safeguard the Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors present in the European territory. The text will be a model for all the European Member States, that will consequently adapt their respective national laws: family reunification, legal protection, education, training, appropriate reception, free movement within the European territory are some of the principles that the European Charter would like to protect and guarantee.

The adhesion of Palermo represents civilization, vocation for multiculturalism, openness to confrontation and dialogue.

‘‘This is a confirmation of the fact that Palermo gained in dialogue and appropriate reception, which is crucial for the development of a national and international network that shares our sensitivity and our commitment’’ said Orlando.

The social cooperative ‘‘Alazis’’ and the association ‘‘Inventare insieme’’ (‘‘Creating together’’) of the Centro-Tan in Palermo are major partner who followed the whole process. The coordinator Francesco di Giovanni declared that ‘‘It is an important milestone that will give a new impetus to the path of the ‘‘Charter’’, which aims to become a reference point in Europe’’.

This will be a boost of openness and solidarity, together with the numerous partnership of the ‘‘Charter’’, coordinated by the association Carretera Central and sponsored by the Municipality of San Gimignano (where the initiative was launched). Many other subjects adhered: Municipalities (among them, Milan and Lecce), the Region of Tuscany, non-profit national organizations (info:

“We are happy to see that the Charter born in San Gimignano continues collecting important memberships – declared the newly elected Mayor of San Gimignano Andrea Marrucci – Our city is open to the world and continues to support the protection of human rights, especially those of the youngest, at the center of their action”.

Now, more than ever, it is essential to promote the ‘‘Charter’’ through a bottom-up approach campaign, involving territorial institutions, civil society organizations and citizenship, for a conscious and supportive community to be still possible. The aims is to bring the draft of the Charter to the direct attention of the European Parliament.

For info:

Press Release European Charter of San Gimignano