Press Release n° 12 (06/16/2019)

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June 16th 2019                                      PRESS RELEASE The European Charter for the Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors. The Mayor Leoluca Orlando subscribes the Charter The ‘‘construction site’’ of the Euopean Charter for the Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors reaches […]

Press Release n° 10 (07/30/2018)

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Milan, July 30th 2019                           PRESS RELEASE MILAN FOR THE RIGHTS OF UNACCOMPANIED MIGRANT MINORS The City Council of Milan will discuss the European Charter for the Rights of Unaccompanied Migrant Minors. The initiative was suggested by the President of the Committee on Equal […]

Press Release n°9 (06/01/2018)

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June 01, 2018                                         PRESS RELEASE ANOTHER STEP ON THE JOURNEY OF THE SAN GIMIGNANO CHARTER: “INSIEME SENZA MURI” (“TOGETHER: NO WALLS”) IN MILAN On May 26th , the European Charter of San Gimignano for Unaccompanied and Separate Children has been introduced during the final debate. The process of the European Charter of San Gimignano […]

Press Release n°8 (12/04/2017)

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December 04, 2017                               PRESS RELEASE Unaccompanied migrant minors, Tuscany region subscribes to the European Charter of San Gimignano The journey of the “Charter of San Gimignano for the Rights of the Unaccompanied Migrant Minors and Separated Children” moves forward having an […]

Press Release n°7 (11/27/2017)

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November 27, 2017                               PRESS RELEASE European Charter for Unaccompanied Migran Minors to be introduced at Festa della Toscana 2017 On November 30th 2017, “Festa della Toscana” will take place in San Gimignano and, on this occasion, the “European Charter for Unaccompanied […]

Press Release n°6 (11/27/2017)

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November 27, 2017                              PRESS RELEASE Melissano’s Municipality Subscribes to the “European Charter of San Gimignano” Once again, The South of Italy,looks interested about the issues of the Unaccompanied Migrant Minors and Separated Children and after Lecce’s Municipality has joined , Melissano  […]

Press Release n° 5 (10/24/2017)

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October 24, 2017                                   PRESS RELEASE The city of Lecce subscribes to the “European Charter of San Gimignano”, joining the campaign. An inclusive and open City Once again, the South comes first: after the presentation at the “Fiera del Levante” […]