Press Release n°7 (11/27/2017)

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Press Release European Charter of San Gimignano

November 27, 2017                               PRESS RELEASE

European Charter for Unaccompanied Migran Minors to be introduced at Festa della Toscana 2017

On November 30th 2017, “Festa della Toscana” will take place in San Gimignano and, on this occasion, the “European Charter for Unaccompanied Migran Minors” movemement (MSNA) will participate with two important events.

The initiative, promoted by the association Carretera Central, was conceived following the Second Festival of the Social Circus, Circomondo (, that is dedicated to the Migrant Minors’ issue and that took place in 2015 in San Gimignano.

The aim is to promote a real cultural campaign, starting from people, in every EU Member State, and involving Local Institutions, the Organizations and the individuals that have the values of solidarity, acceptance and human rights at heart, providing particular attention to the condition of Unaccompanied Minors who represent an ever-increasing percentage of migratory flows toward the UE. Those entities, only in 2016, watched the disappearance of over 10.000 boys and girls (over 5.000 in Italy) from their protection systems.

The programme is set as follows:

  • 14:00 – Workshop at Biblioteca Comunale (via Folgòre, 17): the Founding Partners and the Charter Supporters will talk about the Charter’s Journey and Roadmap
  • 17:30 – Open Day City Council at Palazzo Comunale: the book “Libro Bianco sulle politiche di accoglienza ed inclusion di richiedenti asilo politico e protezione internazionale della Regione Toscana”( The White book about the politics of reception and inclusion of asylum-seekers and international protection of the Tuscany Region) will be showcased. In addition, Vittorio Bugli, Alderman at Tuscany Region, will announce the membership of Tuscany Region to the European Charter for Unaccompanied Migrant Minors movement.


Carolina Taddei, Alderman – San Gimignano Municipality


• Vittorio Bugli, Alderman – Tuscany Region

• Armando Gradone, Prefect -Provincia di Siena

• Adriano Scarpelli, Chairman – Carretera Central – Charter Founding Partner

• Ilaria Garosi, Alderman for Social Policies – San Gimignano Municipality


Giacomo Bassi, San Gimignano Mayor

European Charter for Unaccompagnied Migrant Minors Partner are: Agevolando, Arci, Asgi, Bambini Più Diritti, Cooperativa Sociale Betadue, Città dei Bimbi, Città Famiglie, Comune di Lecce, Comune di Melissano, Cnca, Diaconia Valdese Fiorentina,, Settimanale Left, Blog Minori Stranieri Non Accompagnati, Consorzio Nova, Associazione On the Road, Salesiani per il Sociale, Il

Press Release European Charter of San Gimignano